Music History Is Being Made Today in Ferndale, MI (No Joke!)
Hello. Many of you know about my effort to make music history to
sell a million CDs as an independent Artist. Selling CDs became
more and more difficult as most people don't buy CDs anymore!
However, I am finally getting to be part of something that is
literally making music history. The world's longest running
music concert "Assembly Line II" is happening right now in
Ferndale, Michigan. The concert has been going non-stop for 308
hours as I write this.
Today at 4PM I will be performing during the 312th hour, and the
concert will end after the 313th hour. You can watch the event
right now happening Live online at:
This event will be entered into the Guiness Book of World
Records. Please note that even though this happens to be April
Fools Day, this email is NOT an April Fool joke :)
Location: AJ's Cafe, 240 W. 9 Mile Rd., Ferndale, MI
After I perform at 4PM, the last Artist to perform has not yet
been announced. However, AJ mentioned that somebody well known
may be performing during the last hour. I hope you will tune in,
or stop by!
Warm Regards,
P.S. My Album is now available for free at in an effort to support Child
Fund International
, PO Box 180902, Utica, MI 48318, United States
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