Regarding Your Payment Due
Hello. I am personally sending this message to you after this health care bill has passed by our government, despite constitutional law, and despite your personal freedoms in our Country.
Due to a Major lack of information from Media and other sources, Please be fully aware NOW that this since this bill has passed you will have a new bill to pay for health care soon (whether you have health care or not). This payment will be ongoing for the rest of your life, and it will be due by each given deadline. If you do not pay it, you will be fined and/or jailed. No joke. This is what is happening in our country right now, today. Isn't it time to take a stand?
In addition, there is another life and death issue regarding abortion which will be publicly funded with this bill ..and this murder will happen using Your money whether you agree to it or not.
As Americans we should not be afraid to speak out and stand for what we believe in, and discover to be true. As a nation, if we do not use our freedom, then I do not see how we will be able to keep it. I realize not all of you may appreciate my email, but I am open to your response (good or bad).
P.S. I found this person's comments in an online forum about health care.. and thought I would pass this along (see below).
Have you even read this bill HR3590 (over 2000 pages)? I have and after I read what's available online (, I went out and changed my voter registration from Democrat to Republican. Do you totally dismiss that there is language in this bill that makes it a crime to not purchase health insurance? A person could be fined up to $5,000; I don't know about you, but that's unconstitutional. Citizens shouldn't be FORCED into buying insurance. Also, it eliminates Medicare Part D altogether, strips Medicare Advantage of $177 billion and Medicare of $465 billion.
There ARE ways to fix problems in health care without this monstrosity. Have you looked at the Republican bill (only 38 pages)? I doubt it but if you do, it's at and They've introduced three of them to Obama last year and he rejected each one; tell me he's NOT an ideologue. The Republican bill is less invasive, wont increase taxes and wont strip other programs.
As for the description of "right wing" as idiots, I find that remark ignorant. Go do some real research for yourself! The far left are serious ideologues. They want to change this country to a socialized nation.
If you want to find out how that type of country works, read a study (available online) published in October by two Harvard economists, Alberto Alesina and Silvia Ardagna.
If you'd care to learn about our country's history and the wisdom of our founders, read a book called, "The 5000 Year Leap", which will explain our founders intentions using the Federalist Papers and other writings. I'm guessing you wont read any of them because you'd rather believe the tripe that Obama and his ilk are spewing.
Look up for yourself about the REAL profits insurance companies make and that 60% of them are non-profit. Learn that Medicare (socialized medicine)denies 77% of their claims while the insurance industry denies only 15%. Look up that in other countries that have socialized medicine, citizens pay 50% or more in taxes to support the below standard care. Why did the Premier of Newfoundland go to Florida to have a cardiac procedure when he could have traveled to a neighboring province?
Look up this information that you wont get from most radio or television news. THINK FOR YOURSELF and discover that the Democrats don't have a monopoly on morality.
Read that Thomas Jefferson said it's immoral to leave debt to our children. Do you understand the amount of debt this country is in?
How about that "stimulus bill", have you looked up the REAL story on that? Billions of wasted tax dollars in EVERY state. They falsified over 40 congressional districts which they claimed received funds! How's THAT for your so-called transparent-hope and change president!
I wouldn't advise accusing me of racism because my husband and I are now both conservatives and he is black. Everyone in his family have changed their opinions on Obama and their political affiliation.
Go research, find out what I have and maybe you'll understand why there is such opposition.
, PO Box 180902, Utica, MI 48318, United States
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