Monday, July 03, 2006

Terrance Damian Newsletter - July 2006


Hi. June was the longest month I can remember in awhile. These
last 30 days felt like 60 days to me. Studio time has been
going well, and I've spent a good number of days in the studio
during June. Jim (producer) spent many more days than me at
the studio working on the CD. I can't see myself hyping up this
CD release any more than I have so I won't say much more until
the CD is finally done! Yes, we are almost done after two and a
half years.

It seems like I'm always writing about a new gadget, or
something new that I bought.. Well, this past month I got a
new gadget. It's a HP iPAQ (PDA, Phone, MP3 Player, Camera,
Voice Recorder, Calculator, Word Processor, and more). To
put it in a nut shell, it's my new phone!

During the summer I plan on staying in Michigan, and not driving
far. This way I can save money on gas, and stick around home,
and play as many gigs as possible locally. For those of you
that are not aware I do play private parties, graduations,
birthdays, etc.. Just call 1-800-796-1178 for more info.

For more info. about up and coming shows this month go to
the web site:
(Just click the link from the homepage that says "SHOWS".)

My birthday is July 16th, and I get to be another year older.
I'm looking forward to this next year, especially my favorite
season (Autumn). My thoughts on turning older is that if
I am always worried about being another year older, how do I
enjoy the age that I am? I just want to enjoy life at any age.

Other thought.. I'm glad I quit smoking over 5 years ago. I
probably wouldn't be able to sing the same if I smoked. Hack.

This fall season I'll be touring around the country. I'm will
be buying a van for touring soon! I am selling my Dodge Durango.
Just get in touch if you, or anyone you know is looking for an
excellent deal on a well taken care of vehicle. The ad for my
truck is located online at

Since this newsletter goes to a good number of people, it is
cool to write this knowing most of you personally. I enjoy being
able to keep you updated with news about my music career, events,
and share my thoughts with you. Feel free to do the same by
hitting reply!

Well, I will have plenty of new and exciting news for August.
Stay tuned!

Have a great 4th of July!!


Terrance Damian

P.S. I usually try to get this out on the 1st of the month.
Sorry about this newsletter being a bit late.


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