Sunday, July 01, 2007

Greetings, Your Terrance Damian Newsletter - July 2007

Hello! I heard an interesting message on the radio yesterday.
It was a message from a pastor who talked about self
improvement. He made a very good point. If self improvement
was done for the mere sake of self improvement it would be
pointless. I think too many people do this.. through books,
and trying so damn hard to become better people. Once again
useless. It doesn't matter how good we can be, or
how many rules we can follow, status, or our own abilities,

Wherever you are at, it's ok to start over, or set a new
start point. This doesn't mean to give up on anything you
should hang onto, but to start over: letting go of stress,
anxiety, and the made up (useless) rules we go by in our
daily living, not walking on eggshells, not stepping in
between the cracks on the side walk, not letting fear stop
you from living the best life you can. Make a change. You've
got to move, not stay frozen, or comfortable in an illusion!

None of this should make any sense without adding one part
to the equation. But everything I am writing here is true,
with the help of Jesus you can do these things. God is true,
and has the ability to break every strong-hold, eliminate
fear and illusion, truly improve who we are, for a greater

I have tried to rationalize many things in life, and improve
myself. For the most part, I'm glad I work to improve who
I am. Still, things just don't work without God in the
the picture. This is what I have found to be true in my life,
my music, my relationship with my wife, and every area of my
life that has been abundant.

I know many of you who read this are not Christian. I rarely
talk about my faith, but for me not to never talk about it
would not be right. I believe it is crucial for people to
know where they stand. If God drew a line in the sand, which
side of the line would you be on? Sometimes it's a fine line!
We all make our own choice.

I keep feeling like I have to apologize for writing about
this. It's hard to write about actually, since I almost
never write about my faith.. not in my newsletter anyway.
I'm not going to apologize and you should not apologize for
professing what you believe either! Sometimes there's a
place and time to talk about things, but the more important
thing is that the truth be told!

Have a good month. Thanks for reading!

Sit back and turn up your computer speakers, or put on a
nice pair of headphones. Listen! 5 songs off the CD are
available to play when you visit my web site. Don't forget to
click "Launch Player" to play additional songs, or to switch

I would appreciate your feedback on this music!


Terrance Damian

Book Me: (586) 480-3000

Buy the CD: (Coming soon).

Need a DJ (or two) for your event?


PO Box 180902, Utica, MI, 48318, United States
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