Friday, December 02, 2005

D5L Newsletter - December 2005


Hello. I hope you are doing well, staying healthy this time of year. It always seems there's people out there who don't recouperate from being sick, and just keep pushing on. The problem with that.. well, you get other people sick when you are sick, and still out and about. I had this happen at church last week. Someone was sick, sitting near me and my girlfriend, and I ended up in bed for 2 days. "Thanks a-lot dude".

Fortunately, I'll be in good shape for my gig later today at Champps! I'm feeling better.

Well, I have news I've been wanting to be able to say for a long time now. Finally, I signed up for indoor soccer! Other than twisting my ankle yesterday, I'm really enjoying this sport. Soccer is my favorite! On a side note, I got another gym membership after not going for about a half a year.

Exercise is so good for reducing stress, and I need it. This new CD that is getting mixed down has been tough. It's stressful. From the financial burden, to being efficient with studio time, and making sure things are done right.. It's truly enough to want to crawl into bed and just hibernate.

3000 Records has kept me busy with 2 new compilations coming out next week. If you know any Musicians interested in jumping on board and getting on the next compilation tell them about "" Thanks!

I'm realizing how much I can lack in the "sales" department. Booking gigs has been so slow for me because I have such a hard time getting on the phone. I prefer when people come to me to book me for gig. Right now just about all the gigs I have are from word of mouth or referrals where the Management came to me. The problem with that is, well, I am only playing about 3 gigs per week. This should be a busy time of year.. I'll be forcing myself to make some phone calls early next week! If you know any good places I should play, let me know. I'm available for playing gigs at private parties and company events as well.

This Month's Lesson: When times seem difficult, look at it as a challege or test. If difficult times are a just a test why not take them with a grain of salt.

"Bullseye".. Being one of the main characters in a movie has been pretty darn exciting.. I know I've been talking about it for awhile now. This month there is a special preview on Dec. 15th. Unfortunately, I found out that the theature is already full so I can't invite anyone except some family members and a few friends. I'll be inviting you to come to one of the showings in early 2006 though!! Stay tuned.

You can see a preview of "Bullseye" The Movie at I'm barely in the preview though :(

See the Calendar:

Sign my Guestbook:

Well, I'm going to sleep for awhile before my gigs today at 5PM, and 9:30PM. I'll talk to you in 2006.

P.S. I'm always so appreciative when I bump into people who get my newsletter and they say "hey I read your newsletter". That happened a few times last month. Thank you, thank you, thank you for reading!


Deron Feivel (Terrance)


PO Box 180902, Utica, MI, 48318, United States

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