D5L Newsletter - September 2005
Well, this newsletter is about 1 day late. Usually I send it
out on the 1st! Sorry for the delay. I've been writing this
newsletter every month since, hmm.. I think early 2002? Since I
started this career in music, I've been able to communicate with
people I've met along the way through this newsletter. I look back
and think that a career in music is not as easy as I thought. Well,
I'm glad I never knew how difficult this would be when I started.
Either way, there is nothing else I'd rather be doing.
So, you could imagine how important it is to be able to write this
newsletter. It's the one way I keep n touch with people,
potentially fans, people that will come see me play, or buy a CD.
Getting support, well, it's pretty important. That's why I am
boldly appreciative of each new subscriber.
It often takes hundreds of thousands of dollars, and often
millions for the Bands that are signed to record, tour, get
airplay, advertise, and get the results desired by big record
labels (to make money). What I'm doing right now is simpler, and
less expensive. Owning your own record label means funding
everything, or finding those funds somehow. It also means
delegating, or hiring others to do necessary work.
>>>My record company is called "3000 Records" see http://www.3000records.com
This new CD has been in production for several years now. I wrote
the songs that will be on this new CD in November of 2003. Since
then I found gifted musicians (Jim, Desi, and Jay R) to play on
the CD and bring together a full band sound. It's been amazing to
see this CD come this far.
Jim the Bass player, and producer just got some new equipment as
well. These changes in the studio have brought many delays. These
delays have proven to be a good thing, considering how much
better this CD is turning out. It also gives me time to come up
with more money to fund everything, but gas prices aren't helping things.
>>>Finally, I have some professional quality photos done by a great
guy named Bob from StoneyWood, LLC. His camera is the same model
photographers use for Sports Illustrated Magazine. I will have
more photos taken eventually, but I am happy with how these
turned out. I have a some of them on my web site at
>>>My lyrics to the upcoming CD are now available to the public
on my web site at http://www.thesimplelifelyrics.deronfeivel.com
As for the name "Deron Feivel". I am getting more comfortable with
this, instead of "Darren Feivel". The decision was difficult to
make, but I'm glad that I went back to the original name that
came to me in 2002.
This Month's Lesson: Drink organic milk. Milk today comes from cows
that get injected with hormones, so they will produce more milk.
Those homones get into our bodies, and kids bodies. Most people
argue, "THEY wouldn't allow anything to be sold that would actually
hurt people". Folks, the type of milk at our grocery stores in the
US is ILLEGAL in Europe because of how dangerous it is. Drink
organic milk, this is nothing more than "actual" milk, from
cows not injected with hormones. You see, over the last decade cows
started being injected with hormones to produce more milk. This is
because of greedy companies that don't care about your
health. They care about making more money period.
I recommend the book "Natural Cures They Don't Want You To Know
About" by Kevin Trudeau. I can hardly believe what is going on with
the medical industry, and food and drug industry after hearing the
audio CDs. This is absolutely astonishing.
>>>See the Deron Feivel Calendar
>>>You can offer tour support when you make a donation to help with
the tour expenses coming up. The amount needed to fund this 5
month tour will be approximately $6,000, it's not cheap! To make
a donation please visit http://www.donate.deronfeivel.com A free
copy of "The Simple Life" will come with each donation of any
Have a nice month.
Deron Feivel
PO Box 182492, Shelby Twp., MI, 48315, United States
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