Deron 5L Newsletter - April 2005
It's April Fools Day! Just kidding, NO really! Yup, April 1st. Last month I sent out an e-card to everyone. It features a picture of me from when I was about 4 years old, and one of my remastered songs from the "Signature EP". I hope you got it! If not, check it out.. and pass it on to some friends.
In my last newsletter, I mentioned I'd be giving you access to a music video by BobVision and IndieWatch (my company). Eric DeLuca's video is not available yet though. He's releasing the video at a "Video Release Party" soon. Once it is publically available you will definitely get to see it! Thanks for your patience.
On that note, I just bought a Pentax Optio mx4 digital camera/camcorder and also a Panasonic PV-GS12 camcorder. I'm taking one of these back, but trying them out for a few days. These look like fun gadgets. If you know anything about cameras, feel free to send your opinion on which one I should keep!
Studio time has been on hold for the past 3 weeks, although Jim (Producer / Bass player) is working on things on his own. I've been so busy with gigs, and 3000 Records (my record label), that I don't even have time to sleep anymore. I'd say I'm probably working somewhere around 70 hours a week right now. Then again, when I'm not working, I'm still working on something or another thing.
In Mid-March, I got to play a duo gig at Hamlin Pub with Kevin Wilson. We totally joked around with the audience most of the night. I felt kind of like a stand up comedian. Usually I am pretty serious when I play. This is the second duo gig I played ever. A few months back I played my first duo gig with S.G. Wood. This second duo gig went very well. Kevin's girlfriend Julie also sang many songs. She has a voice of a seasoned Artist, and also playes piano. Kevin and Julie are in a band together called Everything 19. See
This Month's Lesson: Do what your heart tells you, and don't let fears stop you. When I started out playing music as a career, people would ask me, "how?" That question "how?", is a scary one. It brings up a-lot of fear. How in the world can one sum up an answer to that when starting out in one of the toughest businesses. My answer was "I don't know", and I still don't know. BUT I can tell you in hindsight how things worked out to date! Ask me later how I'm going to pull of finishing a $10,000 budgeted full length CD, yet alone sell even 1000 copies to break even. In addition to that, ask me how I'm going to pay for a tour around the country for part of the year. I just don't know. I'll tell you in hindsight though. I get scared to think about "how?", but when I look back, I think I've come pretty far (not to brag). 3 years ago I started off in this business making $50 a week at a pizza place, then my car blew a head gasket (that's not good). 2 years ago I was driving a 1973 station wagon, left for a 25 day tour of the US with $350 in my pocket, a demo sounding CD, my beat up guitar, and a calling card. It's cool to look back on that, and realize how things change when you just move forward without letting fears stop you. I currently drive a Dodge Durango fully loaded, have a mobile phone with a toll free number, laptop computer with wireless internet, digital camera, digital video camera, voice memo (song) recorder, a full band of professional studio musicians, a professional quality new full length CD well on it's way, a packed calendar with gigs, and a bunch of awesome newsletter subscribers (yes you [[firstname]]), and the same (even more) beat up old guitar. Oh, and a beautiful girlfriend! AND No I'm not bragging, I think God can give anything to anyone at any time (or take it away).. OK ..maybe I am bragging about my girlfriend just a wee bit.
Remember the Survey Contest from last month! I had about a dozen of you who tried to guess the fake answer to the survey responses. Nobody guessed the fake one. I must have made the contest too hard. Sorry. I thought for sure somebody would get it. BUT, I would like to offer those of you who tried, a chance to redeem yourselves. IF you sent a response to the Survey Contest last month, simply write back saying "I read your newsletter in April" and you will get free admission to my CD release party this summer, AND a free copy of my new CD when it comes out!
This was the fake one: "Right now I'm just chillin at a coffee house on my laptop. I'm in between classes at WSU..liked your newsletter!" - Don
Well, as I type this, I'm still up after working all night on something called the FREE Music Report. I currently send it to over 200 music industry contacts (DJs, Writers, etc..) each month. The list is growing! You can see this new service at It's a new business I started about 3 and a half months ago. It's been really amazing, and the responses have been almost unreal. See the quotes on the web site.
Now, I'm getting ready to go visit my Dad in the hospital. He has MS (Multiple Sclerosis), and also just had another stroke this week. I'd like to ask you all to please pray for him, and my family. Right now, he's doing ok, able to move around a bit, but not able to talk much at all. I appreciate the prayers, and thank you.
Later this morning, I'll be heading to the Renesaince Center for a gig. Thank God I can go take a nap at my Grandparent's house in Detroit later this afternoon. For those of you coming to Port Huron tonight, I'll see you at Raven Coffeehouse.. very much looking forward to it. For the full calendar of upcoming gigs this month please visit
Do you have something to say? Say it in my guestbook at
Terrance (Deron 5L)
Terrance (Deron 5L)
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