Thursday, December 02, 2004

Deron 5L Newsletter - December 2004

Thanks for clicking to read my "Blog". This will be a continuation of the "Deron 5L Newsletter" established in 2002 with over 1600 subscribers. Each month I will post my newsletter under the new title "The Life Of A Musician" since that is exactly what this newsletter is about!

Here goes.. Hmmm.. November proved to be a busy month, but not from playing gigs. I've been much busier with my record company. "Radio Now! Volume 2" was shipped back from the manufacuturer a few weeks back. Volume 3 is already getting mastered at the studio, so the compilations I have been putting together are moving along quickly. There are about 80 Bands & Artists that I'm currently working with from around the world. If you are interested in reading about my CD project "Indie 360" visit

I have some new pics online of my truck. My old car "Superwagon" was donated as you might already know. The engine has been bought by a local car fanatic. He is putting the engine in his 1970 something Dodge Dart. Zooooooooom Swoooshh zzzzzzzzz. That thing is gonna fly.
Well, I really need to get on the telephono and book some gigs. It's hard booking my own gigs sometimes. I just wanna go play the gigs, not do anything else like booking, promoting, web site maintenance, etc.. Ahh, but fortunately I'm not bad at doing those things. I'll be calling some new places too. I hope to have a really packed schedule for early 2005.
Don't hold your breath.. It looks like my CD is going to take awhile to finish, unfortunately. The studio I record at has been invaded by inspectors.. So the owner (Jim) needs to pay a bunch of fines, and fix things up to standard regulations. I'm hoping to finish the recording (all instruments) for this CD through January and February. My parts are almost done (vocals, percussion, keyboards, rhythm guitar). Jay R, the drummer got his parts done practically overnight. Mostly, the Bass guitar (played by Jim) just needs to be recorded, along with Lead guitar (To be decided). Hopefully I will get to release this CD sometime in May.
I have two up close & personal shows coming up. On Saturday, Dec. 4th, I'll be playing at xhedos Cafe, Ferndale, MI (with Rock Band "Collision Six")! On Saturday Dec. 18th, I'll be playing at Trixie's, Roseville, MI. I'll be playing newer material, so you will have a chance to hear stuff you never heard! I hope you can make it to one of both events. For additional shows, or driving directions go to the calendar at

I'm still thinking about Thanksgiving. YUM, mmmMMM, the food was amazing. There were no left overs available to take home as usual :( My Aunt & Uncle keep them. Kinda sucks. I'll have to make a trip to Boston Market or something, and get some stuffing and mashed pototoes. I've been craving that.

Congratulations Cassie & Sarah, they are new subscribers of the Deron 5L Newsletter and were randomly picked as 2 winners (out of 40 entries) for my CD Giveaway. See as this CD is sold by Tower Records.

Thank you Briana, for telling at least 10 people about my newsletter! Your copy of "Buzz Lighter Vol. 6" is on the way :)

Have a nice warm and cozy month. MERRY CHRISTMAS! Talk to you in 2005.

Haven't signed the guestbook?

Deron 5L - (Terrance) -



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