D5L Newsletter - October 2005
I'm in a coffee house at about 2A.M. in Ann Arbor.
I've been downtown since about 5P.M. hanging out,
eating lots of junk food. It's my junk food day.
Me and my girlfriend have been piggin out and I
feel kinda sick now. The other 6 days a week, I
am strict with what we eat (no sugar, fat..). I
also try to eat organic food, especially milk,
and meat. What a difference that makes. It's
almost like eating on a different planet, like
I've eaten on another planet before.. It's late
to be writing a newsletter.
You know Ann Arbor is pretty much my favorite city
in the country, but I can't believe how different
it is at 2A.M. with drunk dudes everywhere and
half naked girls prancing around. Are these people
college students at U of M? I don't know.
Well, this beautiful fall weather is the best! I
have always liked this time of year. This is also
a cool time of year since CiderMills.Com is getting
way more traffic. There were 3485 clicks to the
homepage for Sept. alone. This is a project I
started last year. I bought the domain back in
1999. See http://www.cidermills.com I'm not the
best webmaster, but simplicity is part of the
formula for a successful site.
Oh, before I forget I want to mention a very cool
site. It's a site full of guitar apparel by Desi
Serna (the guitarist on my soon to be released
CD). Check it out at http://www.guitargarb.com
CD Update: We will begin mixdown October 20th. Jim
has additional $40k in equipment now and merged
with another studio for awhile. Fortunately, this
equipment will be used during the mixdown process!
The owner of much of this equipment is also a
producer with tons of training and experience. His
name is Paul. Both Paul and Jim will be producing
this CD. I'll be lending an ear during the mixdown
process as well.
I've updated my web site slightly, and there is now
a mini jukebox in the top left corner. It plays
one of my songs off the "Signature EP" when you go
to the homepage: http://www.deronfeivel.com
If you haven't had a chance, my lyrics to the
upcoming CD are available on my web site at
This Month's Lesson: Write down goals. Last month I
almost felt depressed until a friend snapped me out
of it. I realized I needed to write down what was on
my mind. I wrote down a "to do" list, made an
outline of some goals, wrote down my top 5
priorities, and even wrote a Mission Statement for
my life. I highly recommend doing this. I've been
much more productive and happier (and content)
since then.
Once again, I recommend the book "Natural Cures
They Don't Want You To Know About" by Kevin Trudeau.
See http://www.naturalcures.com You may not believe
this but there are people (drug companies, etc..)
trying to censor him from telling the public about
natural cures. They must have forgot what country
they were in.
Come see me play at Uno's Pizza on Saturday, October
8th at 8:30PM - 11:30PM. My calendar can be accessed
at http://www.calendar.deronfeivel.com
Deron Feivel
PO Box 182492, Shelby Twp., MI, 48315, United States
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