Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Terrance Damian Newsletter - November 2006


Three years ago today I wrote the first of ten songs to
become the CD "A Simple Life". I wrote one song per day for
10 days from Nov. 1st - Nov. 11th. The first sentance of the
first lyrics written for the CD were "Walking down this
winding road called life"!

Well, as many of you know I got engaged in August to my
beautiful fiance Sarah. On November 25th we will be getting
married, and I am excited. I feel we are right where we are
supposed to be, but there is so much to do!

The CD is still in the mastering process. Trevor (the
mastering engineer) is a very popular guy with major labels,
and independent Musicians like me. When his schedule allows
him to work on "A Simple Life", the CD will eventually be
finalized. I am hoping to release the full CD in January, but
will release a 3 song EP before Christmas if possible..

Champps Restaurant has cancelled their entertainment so I no
longer play there on Fridays. I was there for a year and a
half. The gig was a great gig to have, but now I'm getting
ready for many other adventures. While I am still going to
book local gigs, I'm preparing for a year long tour. The tour
will be throughout 2007 and me and my future wife will be
heading from state to state in the a new used van. My truck
is still for sale!

I hope this fall season has been a good one for you. Each
week has gone by so quickly. Finally, my fiance and I went to
the Cider Mill last weekend. My favorite Cider Mill now
pasturizes their cider, so it doesn't taste the same. I like
good old fashioned cider, made fresh. Unfortunlately many
Cider Mills are no longer making fresh cider. I'll have to
find another Cider Mill to buy apple cider.

By the way, check out my web site CiderMills.Com
( This is a web site I created a few
years ago. The site now ranks #1 on Google, and AOL. The site
get's about 3,000 visitors per week right now.

Have a nice month! Gather up some fire wood. I'll talk to you
in December!


Terrance Damian

Booking: Call 1-800-796-1178 (birthday parties, house parties, Christmas parties, business events...)


P.S. Please tell a friend about the "Terrance Damian
Newsletter" or forward this to someone who might enjoy it.

PO Box 180902, Utica, MI, 48318, United States

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